Monday, October 03, 2005

Leaving for Ithaka

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People are standing around with bags, rucksacks, suitcases, backpacks, carry alls and saddle bags at the door to the Cave. And to think Sibyl said to travel light! Lucky we have a big store room to keep things so that people can pick them up on their way back home. That room is filling because there hasn't been too many leave the realm.

The first instructions from our guide are at Soul Food Silk Road. Keep checking this and Ithaka Bound if you get lost. We are bound for Ithaka. Ithaka lies within the realm of the Silk Road somewhere, tucked away from view. It is a very enchanted place, a bit like the dreamlike lake of Nemi - Diana's Mirror, as it was called by the ancients. No one who has seen the calm waters of the lake where the Amazon Queen's summer palace nestles, can forget it. Sip from the waters and you forget about the earthly realm and feel the creativity pulsing through your veins.

Ithaka Bound will be open to the public for comment. If you don't get an invitation to join and want to post on this blogger please let me know. I will post out a swathe of invitations but it is very easy to overlook someone so for goodness sake don't let this happen and get lost.

If you are on the Soul Food Cafe mailing list do make sure to ask for an invite to join because I will not keep sending instructions to the whole group.


At 9:01 PM, Blogger Fran said...

The talking donkeys of the Union have wings, bags, and voices prepared for travel on request. As I shall be staying in the Donkeys Office and resting on the Island of the Great White Owl most of my messages will appear on Donkeys Inc. I have, however, kept my Mehitabel at home and ready to join in any activities requested. The Secretary

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Bravo Morgaine! It is all a bit like learning to drive a car. It is complicated at first becaue of all the bloggers that have been set up but you have found the home blog and your name is ticked off the box. Now follow the instructions about going to Baba Yaga's and stopping at the Gypsy Camp on the way. You will find these at And just send a raven to me at any time and I will come and get you back on the path.


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